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Status: 44 year old female seeking romance
Location: Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
Member: NF021992
Height: 5' 6" / 168cm

I just wrote a brilliant profile which would have made you immediately fall in love with me (or at least want to email me), but the computer crashed so it has all gone. So I'm afraid you'll have to make do with the following:

Me: a warm-hearted, gentle and sensitive soul, I am at a stage in my life where I am making lots of changes and I feel very excited for the future, whatever it may bring. A few years ago I escaped the big city and made a new start in Yorkshire, which I love, but I also have a feeling I might end up somewhere else before too long. I guess I'm still searching for 'my place' and enjoying exploring.

I love being close to the countryside and being able to go out and spend time in green spaces - I particularly love trees. The environment is something I care deeply about, and do what I can to make a difference, though of course there is always more that I could do. But I'm not always serious - sometimes I just like to have a laugh and go out and do fun things with friends.

In recent years I have started exploring my own spirituality, and am really enjoying each new step I take on my spiritual journey, wherever that might lead. Last week I went on a vision quest in Devon - very happy to tell you more about this if you are interested. If I found somebody to share this journey with, then that would be fantastic. Who knows, maybe you are he...

I am sensual, silly, intelligent, daft, funny, serious, sweet, strong, emotional.

I love trees, chocolate, animals, books, music, silence, beauty, good company, being alone, calm.

I hate: violence, dishonesty, cruelty, arrogance, football*, hazelnuts, spiders**

(* if you are football-mad, I can try and tolerate this, however)

(** if you like to keep spiders as pets, that's a showstopper for me I'm afraid)


You:I don't want to be too prescriptive here, so all I'll say is that you must be: honest, open, kind, have a sense of humour and a reasonable amount of self-awareness. 

If you are intelligent enough to converse about the important things in life, that's great. If you are emotionally intelligent enough to be comfortable talking about feelings, then even better. Other than that, I don't care what you do for a living, what you look like or where you live. I'm a firm believer in chemistry, though, and if it is there, then it's there. If not, then there's nothing that can change that. So I guess we'll have to meet up and find out! Go on, what's the worst that could happen.....

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My Passions

  • Walking, or just being, in the countryside
  • Seeing good friends
  • Eating and drinking ( I also love cooking and baking)
  • Reading - the excitement of discovering a new story and the comfort of revisiting an old favourite
  • Music, art and beauty in general - I'm discovering my creativity and love to draw and paint
  • Animals - I have a particular affinity for cats but love all animals (except spiders)
  • Sleep - I'm very good at it!
  • silence - there are different kinds and I sort of collect them. I guess it is a type of meditation

My star sign

  • Pisces

I'm a...

  • Non-smoker