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Status: 66 year old female seeking romance or friendship
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Member: NF021178
Height: n/a

Tall, slim , warm hearted and young at heart. Vices too many to list. Not a big gang-y type - prefer a quiet sensitive soul with whom can share good discussion, and a laugh, on life the universe and the number 42. or anything else.

Since life's a crazy journey, with those blind alleys and cul de sacs, don't mind opening that map at all to see where it leads.. also happy for a companiable simmer rather than a chemical explosion, so long as the simmer doesn't boil dry in 2 mins.....

Would like any friend/guy to be quite fit, interested in the natural world and its wonders, and at least possessing some walking boots. Up for mini adventures, even if on the doorstep. Would like to share their/your? interests so long as they ain't football or fast cars.

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My Passions

  • Plants, wild or tame
  • Singing for the joy of it
  • Nice simple food- and growing it myself
  • being outdoors (unless it's chucking it down)
  • Cooking for friends, sharing food
  • Canadian canoeing on a lazy warm river, with a bottle of wine! .. and thou??!!

I'm a...

  • Non-smoker