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Status: 80 year old female seeking friendship
Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Member: NF022116
Height: 5' 1" / 157cm

Brunnhilde was not my first choice for a public name (that having been already appropriated). However, she is one of my favourite operatic characters, the last in a set of six bronze caricatures of operatic heroines which I recently completed. She did, after all, die for an ideal, although in my version her horse, Grane, refuses to ride with her into her lover's funeral pyre - wise animal! As a lifelong vegetarian (with a few lapses in the early days while married to a carnivore, who eventually 'converted') and passionate animal lover - with no lapses - Grane had to be given a choice.

Writing has become an integral part of my life but I had never been able to write about animals (perhaps because the truth would be too painful to record)  until recently, having found a collection of humorous verses I had written about my first dog, a charming little Cavalier, some years ago. I decided to illustrate the poems with cartoons and, with the aid of the near-miraculous Photoshop, the small volume is near completion, ready for publication. I intend to donate a large percentage of the proceeds to animal charities.

My interests and passions have been may and diverse, all of which have yieded great satisfaction. Music, as a performing singer and occasional reluctant teacher, occupied many years of my life until I became involved in the visual arts which provided a natural transition into another exciting pursuit.

I live alone, joyously, with my little dog Pixie, but never lonely, although I would welcome a companion who shares my ethical view which is, for me, more important than shared interests.

I am by background and inclination a city/town dweller, but after first living on my narrow boat, then moving about the countryside for several years, my inclinations have certainly at least broadened, although I still keep a property on the edge of a southern town!

I enjoy travel, for purposes other than chasing the sun, and a suitable companion would enhance my pleasure.

My photograph on this site was taken just over a year ago, with Brunnhilde as a recent addition, but I don't think I've changed much in that time.



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My Passions

  • My little dog Pixie, who never ceases to amuse me with her mischievous antics.
  • Writing: mystery fiction; humour; verse, both serious and humorous; occasional articles on a variety of topics. I have recently published my first novel.
  • Since living in rural areas I have become more aware of the deficiencies in animal husbandry, which I find profoundly disturbing.
  • Sculpture is not presently top of the list but I have plans for future work.
  • Friends and their welfare are very important to me, each having a very special place in my heart.
  • I enjoy my walks with Pixie, even through the winter mud!

My star sign

  • Taurus

I'm a...

  • Non-smoker