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Status: 61 year old female seeking friendship
Location: Ulverston, Cumbria
Member: NF022141
Height: 5' 4" / 163cm

Hi, well for a start I'm obviously not very good at uploading photos:),  lets go with less is more - which is something I generally believe anyway.

I am kind, gentle and love nature and countryside.  I dont like tv much but love reading and learning new things. I believe integrity and service are massively important.

I'm interested in many things,although I'm not vegan am interested in vegan, raw vegan food, yoga, meditation, alternative health and much much more.  Lived in Italy for 7 years, it was wonderful. 

You're more likely to find me reading in a hammock than climbing a mountain and generally prefer a bed to a sleeping bag, but willing to try most things.  Love visiting cities but prefer countryside or village for my home.

My friends are mainly female, it would be lovely to have a male friend...

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