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Status: 52 year old female seeking romance or friendship
Member: NF021082
Height: n/a

I''m a quiet spiritual person who''s been living alone in the forest for too long!

I enjoy walking, horse riding, meditation, pottering in the garden and laughing. I also write and enjoy photography (though I''m not an expert). It''s easy to take good photos where I live because it''s so beautiful.

I like to grow my own food and forage in the forest for berries and mushrooms, I also make a lot of my own herbal remedies both from the natural plants around and specifically grown in my garden.

I''m looking to share experiences with someone, I have my own home, my own life and my family but I''d like to share my life, I''d like to experience Being with

A.N.Other in all aspects...and by that I don''t mean 24/7!

Honestly, I''m usually a much better writer than this....this is so hard, words mean nothing when you meet the right person

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